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DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club

Upcoming Matches

VaRMEnT Steel Precision Rifle Match

Match Fees - $25 payable:
DRPC Store - VaRMEnT Steel Precision Rifle Match
Exact Cash the morning of the match

Sanctioned PRS Rule Book

Variable Range Multiple Engagement Targets Steel Precision Rifle Match

2025 Rules Update 11/1/24


Using current range infrastructure and equipment, shooters will compete in a match comprising multiple stages, developed to test every shooter's skill, and their grit. Each stage consists of a variety of different sized steel targets, at different distances, shot from different shooting positions. Shooting sequence and scoring will be established by the Match Director and will be clearly explained prior to each match during the shooters meeting and by the Range Officer prior to the start of each stage (match books may be distributed at check-in to explain each stage). Match scores will be retained by the Match Director and posted on the website and DR&PC Facebook page. Shooter of the year will be required to compete in a minimum of three matches total, of which one match must be the finale. Each regular season match will earn a point multiplier of one, and the season finale will earn a point multiplier of two, to determine “Shooter of the Year”; the End of Year match is a REQUIRED match of the three total  matches.



The VaRMEnT Steel Precision Rifle Match is a competitive, precision shooting match which draws its roots from the PRS and NRL series. We utilize a variety of shooting positions to engage different size steel targets, at different distances up to 660 yards from the firing line at the 600-yard range. With multiple shooting positions, multiple steel plates, and multiple distances, come test your skills!

Sign-in for the VaRMEnT Steel Precision Rifle Match starts at 7:30am followed by a Safety and Match Brief at 8:30. After the Safety and Match, shooters will be given 5-10 minutes to grab their gear and proceed to their designated stage with their squad. The MD will call range hot and shooting will commence at 9:00 am. 

Late shows will only be allowed to join the match at the discretion of the MD. If you have difficulties registering for the match through Practiscore or know you will be late to the match, contact the MD via email at: varmentps@desotogunrange.com.

Any other questions regarding the VaRMEnT Steel Precision Rifle Match may be directed via email at: varmentps@desotogunrange.com

Scope of Match

Using current range infrastructure and equipment, shooters will compete in a match comprising multiple stages, developed to test every shooter's skill, and their grit. Each stage consists of a variety of different sized steel targets, at different distances, shot from different shooting positions. Shooting sequence and scoring will be established by the Match Director and will be clearly explained prior to each match during the shooters meeting and by the Range Officer prior to the start of each stage (match books may be distributed at check-in to explain each stage). Match scores will be retained by the Match Director and posted on the website and DR&PC Facebook page. 

Match Info and Shooters Notes

  1. Each squad will have a Range Officer appointed.
  2. Squadding will be instituted with more than four shooters competing - MD Discretion.
  3. Shooters are to remain in their respective squad for the entire match - MD Discretion.
  4. Scores are comprehensive for the match, not by the squad.
  5. Each Range Officer will be responsible for following the stage rules, provide oversight of the General Rules, provide callouts per the Range Officer Commands, ensure safe and efficiently run stages, and score each shooter in their squad (this may be performed using other spotters to assist with shot calls)
  6. To ensure both the safety and flow of the match, Range Officers and Match Directors may shoot the match the day prior with points recorded. Another Range Officer and/or MD must witness the completion of shooting on the day prior.  There must be two witnesses.
  7. Prior to the start of each stage, the Range Officer will read the Stage Description, the Target Distance, the Target Size, the PAR Time, and total points possible to be earned.
  8. The stage will not begin until all shooters in the squad are present.
  9. Shooters will be given a two-minute prep time prior to the start of the stage. Shooters WILL NOT be allowed to practice getting onto a stage during the prep time.
  10. At Match Directors Discretion – Shooter order will rotate at each stage and will follow the order of the stage number (eg. Stage 1, shooter 1 starts, Stage 3, Shooter 3 starts, etc..)
  11. Spotters will be required for each squad. Every spotter is human and a shooter like you. If something slips through, bring it up to the Range Officer and we will make it right.
  12. All shooters are safety officers. If you see a safety infraction, politely and respectfully assist each other in conducting a safe match. If there is a disagreement, notify the Range Officer(s) or Match Director and we will address it immediately.
  13. The number of stages/courses of fire may vary from match to match.
  14. Minimum caliber is .223, maximum caliber is .308/30-06 (Talk to the Match Director for other caliber considerations).
  15. Monthly matches – round count between 50 -90, Notification will be made on Practiscore and the DR&PC Facebook page.
  16. End of year match – round count between 70 -100, Notification will be made on Practiscore and the DR&PC Facebook page.
  17. Practiscore will be the primary scoring application used to track match scores.

General Rules

  1. New shooters will be required to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Match Director, their ability to engage the 18x24 inch steel plate at 600 yds; ensure extra ammo in excess of that for the match, is brought to complete this task. DR&PC members who successfully compete in this match may earn their 600 yds Long Range Qualification at the completion of the match.
  2. A Range Safety Briefing shall be completed at the shooters meeting, detailing procedures and responsibilities should an emergency arise.
  3. Match Directors and Range Officers will be tasked to ensure all Shooters understand safety protocol.
  4. DR&PC is a, “cold range”. All firearms are to be kept in a safe, “bolt open and back” condition until on the firing line and given the command to load.
  5. Chamber flag use is MANDATORY. Do not come to/off the firing line without a chamber flag in your chamber. Violators will be issued a warning before being disqualified. If you lose your chamber flag, the match director will provide an alternate means to ensure the weapon is deemed safe until a chamber flag can be acquired. NOTE: Match Director will have extra Chamber Flags available for a price.
  6. Tripods and monopods are allowed at shooters discretion unless the match card states otherwise. Tripods and monopods must be carried in-hand, legs may be extended and for tripods, deployed at the start of the course of fire.  MD's must be consulted if a tripod or monopod will be offered for use by a novice shooter where the tripod or monopod will be left at the barricade instead of being carried in hand. Use of a tripod or monopod shall only be used as a brace, no gun may be installed/mounted to the top of a tripod or monopod in lieu of use of a barricade. 
  7. All movement during the course of a stage will be conducted with magazine in and bolt open and back (for gas guns, the gun on safe with an audible call of, "Safe" by the shooter).
  8. Keep finger out of trigger guard until under glass, the target identified, and you are ready to fire. Negligent Discharges (NG) or Accidental Discharges (AD) may result in removal from the match after consulting with the MD. A ND is a result of a shooter error whereas an AD is a result of equipment malfunction. 
  9. Failed Target – We will replace with a similar size or if unavailable, Double tap a specified target then reshoot
  10. Reshoot – Failed target or Flipped Target
    • 1 Reshoots shall only be permitted in the event of an interruption of the stage that was outside the control of the shooter. This may include broken targets, called cease fires for any reason not caused by the shooter, a broken prop or shooting support, or any other deemed reasonable by the Match Director. Reshoots will not be permitted for equipment malfunctions unless the firearm was provided as a “house gun”. Nor shall they be permitted for shooters who claim to have not understood the stage rules after the stage begins (stage begins when time has been started), nor permitted due to variations or irregularities in RO commands. Shooters who are granted a reshoot must reshoot the stage in the same manner with the exact same equipment.
    • 2 With MD approval, the RO can give a shooter the option for a reshoot without having been asked by the shooter if the RO observes an incident which hindered the shooter. 
    • 3 The shooter can request a reshoot if he/she believes one is warranted. The shooter will have a period of two minutes to explain his grievance to an RO. The RO will then contact the match director to determine if a reshoot will be granted.
    • 4 There are two types of reshoots in PRS Competitions.
    • 4.1 A Full Reshoot means the shooter will run the entire COF over from start to finish.
    • 4.2 A Partial Reshoot means the shooter is placed in the exact same position they were in at the time of the stoppage and will have the exact amount of time placed back as 21 on the clock which was remaining at the time of the stoppage. If either the position or the time remaining cannot be determined, the shooter must take a full reshoot.
    • 5 Once a shooter reshoots a stage, they MUST take the reshoot score.
    • 6 Mulligans defined as an authorized “second try” or “do over” of a stage is not permitted in any PRS sanctioned match. 
  11. Entry fees will not be refunded for any reason once the match has begun.
  12. Muzzles will be pointed down range and in a safe direction at all times. Do not “SWEEP” fellow shooters or RO’s. A strict 120-degree rule (60 degree left or right of down range) will be enforced during every stage.
  13. At the end of each stage, each shooter must check their scores before moving to the next stage. Any shooter who does not check their score will forfeit their right to challenge that stage after the fact. If there is a discrepancy, shooters will have a “challenge period” to discuss the disagreement. That challenge period will last as long as that stage is ongoing or before the next stage starts. If the Range Officer and shooter can not come to an understanding, the Match Director will confer with any other observers to determine the outcome.
  14. All stages will be timed (PAR Time). Time for each stage will be specified in the shooters meeting and match books where provided.
  15. Cancelation and Makeup Dates will be posted on the DR&PC website and DR&PC Facebook page.

Range Officer Commands

  • Do you understand the COF – shooters chance to acknowledge or ask for clarification of how to shoot the stage
  • Load and Make Ready – load weapon from a static position
  • Spotter Ready - ensures someone is on glass and ready to call impacts
  • Scorekeeper Ready – ensures someone is on the tablet and ready to score shooter
  • Shooter Ready - last chance for shooter to ensure ready and acknowledge RO before given the Stand by call
  • Stand by – prepare to engage or get ready to move
  • Engage – engage targets or begin movement
  • Time – PAR time has expired, stop firing and make weapon safe
  • Cease fire – Something is unsafe, stop firing and make weapon safe
  • Unload and show clear – empty the chamber and show RO chamber is clear, move bolt/bolt carrier group to the rear and lock open
  • Mag Out– shooter to remove the magazine if equipped
  • Flag In– shooter to insert the Empty Chamber Indicator (Flag) and vacate the shooting position
  • Impact – shooter hit the engaged target
  • Miss/incorrect target, reengage – shooter missed the intended target, engaged the wrong target, or  needs to reengaged the same target


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