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DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club

The DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club range complex near Como in Panola County is Northwest Mississippi’s first choice for a safe place to experience the joy of the shooting sports.  We have facilities available for shooters of all skill levels and passions. Please view the information below to learn more about joining the DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club.

Joining the DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club is easy and affordable.  Annual memberships are priced to be affordable and our associate memberships offer the chance to add additional family members for as associate members at a low price.  Associate members must be claimed on your tax returns, and DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club may require you to furnish proof.

Get a Complimentary Range Tour

We encourage all prospective members and interested persons to come to the range any Thursday -  Sunday (weather permitting) and see the Range Safety Officer (RSO) to get a complimentary tour of the range facilities and have questions answered.  There is no staff available at the range Monday – Wednesday. It is best to email board@destotgunrange.com prior to coming down during the week to ensure the RSO is on duty.

Please note that new member orientations, including range tours, only occur Thursday - Sunday from 9:00 AM to  2:00 PM so that the RSO can otherwise be attentive to the safety and operational needs of the range facilities.

Upon your arrival at the range, please proceed into the range facility and seek out the RSO, who will be wearing an orange vest or red shirt with RSO on the back.  The RSO will be able to help you learn more about DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club so you can decide if membership is right for you and your family.  If you should happen to arrive at the range and the gate is still closed and locked, then an RSO is unfortunately not on duty at the time.  As a member in good standing of DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club, the Club is available for your usage 365 days/year, sunup to sundown (weather permitting). Shooting hours are shown at the top of the webpage and are valid for the specific day of the year.

Requirements to join the DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club

As per the DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club Bylaws, Article III, Section 1, memberships are open to any citizen or permanent legal resident of the United States who meets the following conditions:

  • Is at least 18 years of age as of the date of application for membership, except for children living in the home as “associate members”.
  • Has paid all required membership dues/fees.
  • Application is not rejected by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.
  • Is not a fugitive from justice.
  • Is not disqualified to possess or own a firearm based on federal law.
  • Has not been committed to a mental institution or mental health treatment facility without appropriate documentation stating that the applicant is free of disability for the last 5 years.
  • Is not otherwise ineligible to possess a firearm due to felony convictions in any state or by the United States federal code.
  • Does not abuse controlled substances.
  • Does not abuse alcoholic beverages.
  • Has not been adjudicated mentally incompetent within the last 5 years.
  • Has not had adjudication of guilt withheld or a sentence suspended on any felony within the last 3 years.
  • Is not a member of any organization or group having as its purpose or one of its purposes to overthrow the government of the United States, or any of its political subdivisions.

Membership Options

As per the DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club Bylaws, Article III, Section 3:
  • Annual:  An individual who has met the requirements of Article III, Section 1 and pays member dues on an annual basis.  Individual memberships are Voting.
    • Active Military / Law Enforcement: An individual currently serving in full time active duty status to a United States Military branch, including Reserve and National Guard, or full time active duty status to a state, county or city law enforcement agency. Law Enforcement must have powers of arrest to qualify.  Inactive Reserve or Guard do not qualify.  These memberships are Voting. This individual must meet the requirements of Article III, Section 1, complete an application, provide proof of status and complete the range safety orientation. Annual renewal of this membership is dependent on proof of full time active duty / law enforcement status.
  • Associate:  A member of the immediate family of an Individual member who has met the requirements of Article III, Section 1 and pays associate member dues on an annual basis.  Associate memberships are Non-Voting. Associate members are:  Spouses, or Children who are less than 18 years of age, or adult children claimed as a dependent on the Individual member’s tax returns.
  • Life:  An individual who has met the requirements of Article III, Section 1 and has made a one-time payment of dues that lasts for all of his or her natural life thereafter.  Life memberships are Voting.

NOTE: Annual, Life, and Associate members may have (2) guests per visit.  Guests are the direct responsibility of the member whom they are with.

Membership Costs

  • Life Membership:  $2,000 (one-time)
    • Membership period is for the life of the named member, may not be transferred.
  • Annual eff 2025:  $250.00 (pro-rated monthly)
    • Membership period is April 1 – March 31 of the following year.
    • All new Annual members will also be assessed a one-time $150.00 initiation fee.
      • Total joining cost:  $400.00 (or less, as Annual dues are pro-rated as shown below).
      • All new Annual memberships started in March will pay the full year Annual membership and be given the current and upcoming Annual Membership Card - March Prorates go away in 2025.
    • Active Military / Law Enforcement eff 2025: Will NOT be assessed a one-time $150.00 initiation fee.
      • Total joining cost:  $250.00 (or less, as Annual dues are pro-rated as shown below).
      • All new Active Military / Law Enforcement memberships started in March will pay the full year Active Military / Law Enforcement membership and be given the current and upcoming Annual Membership Card - March Prorates go away in 2025.
  • Associate eff 2024 (non-voting position):  $60.00 (per associate, not pro-rated)
    • Membership period is April 1 – March 31 of the following year.

    Prorate Schedule

    APRILPRORATE (discount $0)  - Membership Cost - $250

    MAYPRORATE (discount $15) - Membership Cost - $235

    JUNEPRORATE (discount $30) - Membership Cost - $220

    JULYPRORATE (discount $45) - Membership Cost - $205

    AUGUSTPRORATE (discount $60) - Membership Cost - $190

    SEPTEMBERPRORATE (discount $75) - Membership Cost - $175

    OCTOBERPRORATE (discount $90) - Membership Cost - $160

    NOVEMBERPRORATE (discount $105) - Membership Cost - $145

    DECEMBERPRORATE (discount $120) - Membership Cost - $130

    JANUARYPRORATE (discount $135) - Membership Cost - $115

    FEBRUARYPRORATE (discount $150) - Membership Cost - $100

    MARCHPRORATE (discontinued in 2025) - Membership Cost - $250 - New membership in March will be given the current and upcoming year membership card.

    New memberships after February will pay the full price, MARCH PRORATE discontinued in 2025. Members will be given the prior year card and upcoming year membership card.

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