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DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club

Upcoming Matches

Think of our club steel plate matches as a race, using your pistol or .22 LR rifle. Competition consists of six stages, with each stage having a total of five steel plates. Each stage is shot five times and the slowest speed on the stage is dropped. The four remaining runs are added together to create the score for that stage. Scores for all six stages are then added together to determine the overall scores and rankings. Rimfire competitors only compete against other rimfire competitors, center fire competitors likewise compete only among themselves.

General Information

Dates: Please check the Calendar for the up to date schedule of Club Steel matches. Match schedule is typically the 2nd and 5th Saturday of the month.

Time: Setup starts at 8:00 AM. Rounds will be down range as soon as setup is complete. Please come for setup and be early–we cannot take additional entries after the match has started. Please consider helping with setup and teardown.

Changes: If the weather looks questionable, shooters are advised to monitor our website after 7:15 AM for updates.

Cost: $15.00 for DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club members and $20.00 for non-members. There is a $5.00 discount if you help setup/tear down.

Register on Practiscore, pay at the match.

Match size: No maximum

Prerequisites: None


Open to all safe shooters who want to have fun and hone their pistol skills, including non-members of DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club.

Ear protection is required for all shooters, eye protection is strongly recommended for adults and required for juniors.

Start Position: low ready for rim fire pistols and rifles, holstered and in the surrender position for center fire pistols


A safe and operable pistol in .22 LR or a center fire self-defense caliber (e.g. .38 special, 9mm, etc.), or a .22 LR rifle.

You will need at least 150 rounds for your pistol or rifle (if you shoot with 100% accuracy), we recommend you bring 250 rounds of ammunition.

Eye and ear protection.

At least five magazines or speed loaders for your pistol, or at least 2-3 magazines for a .22 LR rifle or center fire pistol.

If using a center fire pistol, a holster that is correctly fitted to your pistol.

If using a center fire pistol, a quality gun belt (recommended for best wearing comfort and safety).

If using a rimfire rifle, you will need a chamber flag or bag to use when not shooting.

An appropriate bag to carry your firearms, magazines, ammunition and other gear.


Registration and scores can be found at Practiscore.

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