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DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club

Tactical Carbine Match

The Tactical Carbine match intends to provide an opportunity for the large number of existing AR-15 owners and LEO's with issued patrol carbines to come out and run their equipment in a series of stages set in a safe but challenging format. Shooters will require little or no specialized equipment, they need only bring their AR-15 (or AK or similar) and common ammunition. Some stages are short/close/fast engagements, like USPSA. Some stages stretch out to a few hundred yards with generous steel targets. Some stages are a combination of both near and far. Targets will be both paper IPSC-style and steel. Scoring is "time plus penalties."

Tactical Carbine and Scoped Tactical Carbine Match Series Rulebook

Click HERE to visit the series sponsor’s website

Watch the video below.

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